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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for Directory ServicesDirectory Services
HHIEAM7HWSServer - Directory - Fixed an issue where Domino Directory view would not update correctly after delete/readd group name. Workaround was to change...
MOBNBN7RU3Server - Active Directory Sync - Fixed an issue where registering a new user with the same common name as a non Active Directory synced contact name...
BSTS796FFJServer - Dirsync now supports filters using OID rules for bitwise comparison and other rules.
VVENBEU98UServer - Fixed an error about "Profile document enumeration pool is full" caused by policy How to Apply (HTA) profile notes being created in the...
MOBNBTXNV2Server - Dir Sync - Fixed an issue where dir sync to Active Directory domains with more than 1000 users created duplicate users
Hide details for DQLDQL
JCUSBS2S6JDQL - Fixed an issue with erroneous query planning for TYPE_TEXT field with numeric value. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1
JCUSBTGPXFServer - DQL - While populating the design catalog (for DQL usage), databases will no longer fail the operation with the error "Invalid formula...
Hide details for EditorEditor
ATHNBQPBXLClient - Mac - Fixed an issue with spell check not detecting mis-spellings for Hungarian, Hebrew and Korean languages. This regression was introduced...
JACE9FKDWLClient - Fixed an issue where gpupdate from Active Directory Group Policy caused scroll (cursor) movement. This problem is specific to the Microsoft...
AYAVBTJCRXClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue where keyboard strokes were not being seen in To, cc, Subject, etc fields.
AYAVBU8JBYClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue where full text search result highlights were highlighting the entire document instead of just the search...
AYAVBUJFVBClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue where the caret in a read only document was not being displayed.
AYAVBNYEQFClient - Mac - Fixed an intermittent crash that would occur when scrolling the time zone control's drop down area. This regression was introduced in...
Hide details for Events/StatsEvents/Stats
JLCPBQ65QGServer - Fixed an issue where Domino Events were not logged properly in Windows Event Viewer when the current DLL path was different from the one in...
Hide details for FormsForms
DLIMBNN36GDesigner - Fixed an issue where Forms would open in Notes Client instead of Designer if Help window was opened in Designer and dragged to Controls...
Hide details for HTTPHTTP
EPORBR2NQYServer & iNotes - Verse running on HCL Domino versions 10 and 11 was susceptible to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability...
Hide details for HTTP ServerHTTP Server
MKENBRSFQTDomino - HTTP Server - Fixed a stack corruption issue that caused the http server to crash when running Verse search url requests via jni function...
KMOABSVJAYServer - Fixed an issue where HCL Domino is susceptible to a Buffer Overflow vulnerability (CVE-2020-4124). See KB0087952.
Hide details for ID VaultID Vault
NSHEBSYFRWClient - Fixed an issue where the client would not connect if the previous ID Vault Server was no longer accessible with "Server not responding". ...
Hide details for IMAPIMAP
ZKUN8P2LSAServer - IMAP - Fixed a crash - NSFSlotAlloc: Attempt to allocate a slot too large for a page caused by memory not being freed frequently...
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